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Griesbach & Associates - Social Research for Policy and Practice


Below is a list of our reports and other publications which are available in the public domain.


D Griesbach (2024) Evaluation of impact of the Royal College of General Practitioners Certificate in the Management of Problem Drug Use, Part 2. [ Internal publication only ]

D Griesbach, A Platts and J Waterton (2024) Managing Deer for Climate and Nature: Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, September 2024[ Report ]

D Griesbach and J Waterton (2024) Care Leaver Payment: Consultation analysis, Scottish Government, June 2024. [ Report ]

D Griesbach and A Platts (2024) National Islands Plan review: Consultation analysis, Scottish Government, April 2024. [ Report ]

A Platts and D Griesbach (2024) Draft sentencing guidelines for rape offences. A Scottish Sentencing Council judicial consultation: Analysis of responses. Scottish Sentencing Council, March 2024. [ Internal publication only ]

A Platts and D Griesbach (2024) Mental health and sentencing: A Scottish Sentencing Council judicial survey: Analysis of responses. Scottish Sentencing Council, February 2024. [ Internal publication only ]


D Griesbach, A Platts and J Waterton (2023) Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs): Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, November 2023. [ Report ]

D Griesbach, A Platts and J Waterton (2023) Consultation on restricting alcohol advertising and promotion, Scottish Government, November 2023. [ Report ]

A Platts and D Griesbach (2023) Statutory offences of causing death by driving: consultation analysis, Scottish Sentencing Council, August 2023. [ Report ]

D Griesbach (2023) Online resources to support the mental wellbeing of adult and young carers, Angus Carers Centre, February 2023.


D Griesbach and A Platts (2022) Proposal to designate Red Rocks and Longay as a Marine Protected Area: consultation analysis, Scottish Government, December 2022. [ Report ]

D Griesbach, A Platts and J Waterton (2022) Hunting with Dogs: consultation analysis. Scottish Government, October 2022. [ Report ]

D Griesbach and A Platts (2022) Coal extraction policy: Call for evidence.  An analysis of responses.  Scottish Government. [ Report ]

A Platts and D Griesbach (2022) Onshore conventional oil and gas policy: Call for evidence. An analysis of responses. Scottish Government [ Report ]

D Griesbach (2022) Strathdearn Community Plan. Strathdearn Community Council, Strathdearn Community Developments and Strathdearn Community Charitable Trust, May 2022. [ Communty Plan ] [ Findings from community consultation - summary ] [ Findings from community consultation - full report ]

D Griesbach, A Platts, J Waterton (2022) Islands Bond: Consultation analysis, Scottish Government, March 2022. [ Report ]

D Griesbach and J Waterton (2022) Investigating deaths occurring during compulsory care and treatment under mental health legislation in Scotland, Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, March 2022. [ Report ]

A Platts and G Griesbach (2022) Death by Driving Sentencing Guideline, analysis of responses, Scottish Sentencing Council, January 2022.


J Waterton, D Griesbach and A Platts (2021) Good practice case studies of the collection and use of equality data, Scottish Government, December 2021.

A Platts and D Griesbach (2021) Rehabilitation Framework Self-Assessment Tool: Analysis of Survey Responses, Scottish Government National Advisory Board for Rehabilitation, December 2021. [ Report ]

A Platts and D Griesbach (2021) Sentencing young people: A Scottish Sentencing Council Consultation, analysis of responses, Scottish Sentencing Council, September 2021. [ Report ]

D Griesbach and A Platts (2021) Miners' strike 1984/85 pardon consultation: analysis of responses, Scottish Government, August 2021. [ Report ]

D Griesbach (2021) PH8 community matters: Analysis of the responses to the community survey. Final report, PH8 Community Matters Steering Group, July 2021. [ Report ]

J Waterton, A Platts and D Griesbach (2021) Understanding equality data collection in the Scottish public sector, Scottish Government, March 2021. [ Report ][ Summary ]

D Griesbach and A Platts (2021) Introducing market restrictions on single-use plastic items: Consultation analysis, Scottish Government, March 2021. [ Report ]


J Waterton, C Baker and D Griesbach (2020) Reflections on the evidence reviews produced in support of the Independent Care Review. Independent Care Review, October 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 1575.

D Griesbach, J Waterton and C Baker (2020) Best place in the world. What helps to make a good childhood? An international comparison and case studies from three European countries. Independent Care Review, July 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 504.

C Baker, D Griesbach and J Waterton (2020) Components of care. 'Care journeys': A review of the evidence on children's moves into, through and out of care. Independent Care Review, June 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 570.

J Waterton, C Baker and D Griesbach (2020) 'Edges' of care: Entering and leaving the 'care system'. A review of the evidence about transitions into and out of the ‘care system’, and the impacts of being ‘care experienced’ on life trajectories. Independent Care Review, July 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 630.

J Waterton, D Griesbach and C Baker (2020) Health and wellbeing. The health and wellbeing of children and young people in care. A review of the evidence of what is important to children and young people in care, and the factors which promote or inhibit their health and well-being. Independent Care Review, June 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 707.

D Griesbach, C Baker and J Waterton (2020) Justice and care. Where the justice system meets the 'care system'. Evidence for improvement. Independent Care Review, June 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 763.

J Waterton, C Baker and D Griesbach (2020) Love. The experience of love for children and young people in care. A review of the evidence of what promotes a loving environment for children and young people in and beyond care. Independent Care Review, July 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 814.

D Griesbach, C Baker and J Waterton (2020) Rights. The rights of children in care. A review of evidence on the state of children’s rights in Scotland, and the benefits, challenges, and facilitators of implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Independent Care Review, July 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 864.

C Baker, D Griesbach and J Waterton (2020) Stigma. The experience of stigma for children and young people in care. A review of the evidence on children’s experiences and the effectiveness of approaches used to reduce stigma. Independent Care Review, July 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 937.

C Baker, D Griesbach and J Waterton (2020) Workforce. Workforce development and support. A review of the evidence on what promotes the well-being of the workforce and facilitates relationship-based practice. Independent Care Review, July 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 987.

D Griesbach, J Waterton and C Baker (2020) Secure care. A review of the evidence on the purpose, use, experience and impacts of secure care services in Scotland and the possible alternatives. Independent Care Review, October 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 1376.

C Baker, D Griesbach and J Waterton (2020) Sibling relationships. A review of the evidence on the circumstances and experiences of siblings in the ‘care system’, and the factors which promote or inhibit relationships. Independent Care Review, October 2019, published June 2020. In Evidence Framework, February 2017 - February 2020, page 1451.

D Griesbach and J Waterton (2020) Developing Scotland's circular economy: Proposals for legislation. Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, May 2020. [ Report ]

S Anderson, D Griesbach, B Lancaster, A Platts and J Waterton (2020) Prelegislative public consultation on financial redress for historial child abuse in care. Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, March 2020 [ Report ] [ Summary ]


G Jack, A Bell and D Griesbach (2019) Report of focus groups on youth offending and sentencing. Summary report.  Scottish Sentencing Council, December 2019. [ Summary report ]

D Griesbach (2019) National training in trauma enhanced practice: An evaluation - stage 1.  Epione Training and Consultancy, October 2019. [ Report ]

D Griesbach, J Waterton, A Platts & M MacInnes (2019) Consultation on a strategic environmental assessment (SEA), partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA), and preferred policy position on the Scottish Government’s long-term policy on onshore unconventional oil and gas in Scotland: Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, October 2019. [ Report ]

A Platts, D Griesbach and F Mackay (2019) One Scotland: Hate has no home here. Consultation on amending Scottish hate crime legislation. Scottish Government, June 2019. [ Report ]

D Griesbach (2019) Health and Social Care Integration: How is it for You? Views from the public sector.  Health and Social Care Alliance (The ALLIANCE), May 2019. [ Report ]

A Platts & D Griesbach (2018) Chief Social Work Officers' Annual Reports 2017/18. Summary report. Scottish Government.

D Griesbach, J Waterton, A Platts & A Ross (2019) A deposit return scheme for Scotland. Consultation analysis. Scottish Government, February 2019. [Report]


D Griesbach, J Waterton & A Platts (2018) Consultation on electoral reform: Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, August 2018. [Report]

D Griesbach (2018) Hidden in Plain Sight. Report of survey findings on the experiences of carers working in universities and colleges. University and College Union, August 2018. [Report]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2018) Improving the protection of wild mammals. Analysis of responses. Scottish Government June 2018. [Report]

A Platts & D Griesbach (2018) Summary of Chief Social Work Officers' Annual Reports 2016/17. Scottish Government.

A Platts & D Griesbach (2018) Independent review of hate crime legislation in Scotland: Analysis of consultation responses. Scottish Government, May 2018. [Report]

D Griesbach & J Waterton (2018) A healthier future: Action and ambitions on diet, activity and healthy weight. Analysis of consultation responses. Scottish Government, April 2018.
[ Report ]


E Leighton, D Griesbach & H Stockham (2018) Dualling of the A9 at Dunkeld and Birnam - A community objective-setting exercise. Transport Scotland, December 2017. [See the Story So Far for further details]

D Griesbach, J Waterton & A Platts (2017) Talking 'Fracking': A consultation on unconventional oil and gas. Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, October 2017.
[Report ]

D Griesbach, A Platts & J Waterton (2017) Consultation on a draft Referendum Bill. Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, June 2017.
Report  ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2017) Organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, June 2017.
Report ]

E Leighton & D Griesbach (2017) Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) Scotland 2014 - 2017: Programme evaluation. EAUC Scotland, April 2017.
Report ]

D Griesbach (with Colin McKay and Chris Creegan) (2017) Review of learning disability and autism in the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 2003: Findings from a scoping exercise.  Commissioned by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government, January 2017.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2016) 2017 Non-domestic rating revaluation. Consultation on possible transitional arrangements: Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, December 2016.
[ Report ]

A Platts & D Griesbach (2016) Consultation on police powers to search children and young people for alcohol: Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, November 2016.
[ Report ]

A Platts & D Griesbach (2016) Consultation on a draft code of practice for stop and search: An analysis of responses. Scottish Government, November 2016.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach, J Waterton & A Platts (2016) Meeting global challenges and making a difference: aligning our international development policy with the Global Goals: Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, September 2016.
[ Report ]

J Waterton & D Griesbach (2016) Review of Autism Network Scotland. Scottish Government, September 2016.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & J Waterton (2016) Barnardo's children's advocacy service action research project: An independent evaluation. Scottish Government, July 2016.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2016) Young adults and e-cigarettes: A qualitative exploration of awareness, experience and attitudes. Scottish Government, May 2016.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & J Waterton (2016) Public Health Review: An analysis of responses to the engagement paper. Scottish Government, February 2016.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2016) Consultation on complaints concerning functions related to the Named Person and Child's Plan. Scottish Government, January 2016.
[ Report ]

A Platts & D Griesbach (2015) Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 - Consultation Analysis Report. Scottish Government, December 2015.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach (2015) Consultation on regulations and statutory guidance under the Welfare Funds (Scotland) Act 2015: Analysis of responses. Scottish Government, December 2015.
[ Report | Summary ]

J Gordon & D Griesbach (2015) What is the impact of the Allied Health Professional dementia consultants in Scotland? An evaulation. Alzheimer Scotland, July 2015.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach (2015) Drug Driving: Proposed Regulations – Analysis of consultation responses. Scottish Government, July 2015.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach, A Platts, J Waterton & S Campbell (2015) Consultation on draft statutory guidance for parts 4, 5 and 18 (Section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014: An analysis of responses. Scottish Government, June 2015.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2015) Proposals for an offence of wilful neglect or ill-treatment in health and social care settings: Consultation analysis. Scottish Government, May 2015.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2015) Proposals to introduce a statutory duty of candour for health and social care services: Consultation analysis. Scottish Government, May 2015.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach & J Waterton (2014) Promoting responsible dog ownership: Microchipping and other measures. An analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, October 2014.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach (2014) Findings from a survey about the Crieff-to-Comrie core path, Crieff Community Trust, September 2014.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2014) Practitioner views on the Mental Welfare Commission’s good practice guides, Mental Welfare Commission, June 2014.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach (2014) The aspirations of marginalised groups. A rapid review of the literature.  Research carried out for the Big Lottery Scotland, May 2014. [ Report

D Griesbach & E Leighton (2014) Consultation on the draft Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme: Analysis of responses, Scottish Government, January 2014.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach (2013) Consultation on Amending the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010: Analysis of Written Responses, Scottish Government, November 2013.
[ Report | Scottish Government response ]

D Griesbach, J Waterton & A Platts (2013) Scotland Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 – Consultation on Stage 1 Proposals : An Analysis of Responses, Scottish Government, August 2013.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & A Platts (2013) Proposals for licensing air weapons in Scotland:  An analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, July 2013.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & J Gordon (2013) Individuals’ rights in mental health care, Mental Welfare Commission, July 2013.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach, A Platts & J Waterton (2013) ‘Shaping Scotland’s Court Services’: An analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Court Service, April 2013.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & J Waterton (2012) Improving advocacy for children and young people: Principles and minimum standards Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, December 2012.
[ Report | Summary (Word doc) ]

J Gordon, D Griesbach & A Blamey (2012) A needs assessment of social marketing support required by health improvement practitioners and planners in Scotland, NHS Health Scotland, December 2012.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach, L Robertson (Craigforth), J Waterton & A Birch (2012) Your Scotland, Your Referendum: An analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, October 2012.
[ Report ]

C Sharp, A Birch & D Griesbach (2012) Devolution of Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans: Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Government, February 2012.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach & A Mistry (2012) External review of Alcohol Focus Scotland, Scottish Government, February 2012.
[ Review report ]


D Griesbach & P Russell (2011) Impact evaluation of the Choose Life training programme, NHS Health Scotland, November 2011.
[ Report ]

J Gordon & D Griesbach (2011) Equally Connected Learning Review, NHS Health Scotland, June 2011.
[ Report ]

D Griesbach & J Gordon (2010) Making primary care mental health services more engaging, responsive and accessible for black and minority ethnic groups: a literature review, NHS Health Scotland, December 2010.
[ Literature review ]

D Griesbach, P Russell, C Lardner & J Gordon (2010) Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Network, Scottish Government, December 2010.
[ Report | Summary ]

D Griesbach (2010) Findings from a community survey on a revitalisation scheme for Crieff, Crieff & Upper Strathearn Partnership, November 2010.
[ Summary | Full report | Annex A: Questionnaire ]

D Griesbach, with A Taylor and the Guidelines Development Group (2010) Guidelines for services providing injecting equipment: Best practice recommendations for commissioners and injecting equipment provision (IEP) services in Scotland, Scottish Government, May 2010.
[ National guidelines ]

P Russell, C Lardner, L Johnston & D Griesbach (2010) Evaluation of phase 2 of Choose Life strategy and action plan, Scottish Government, April 2010.
[ Full report | Summary ]

D Griesbach (2009) Knowledge and attitudes towards vitamin D and folic acid supplementation among health professionals and the public, NHS Health Scotland, December 2009.
[ Full report ]

D Griesbach, P Russell & C Lardner (2009) Managing the care needs of drunk and incapable people in Scotland:  A literature review and needs assessment, Scottish Government, November 2009.
[ Full report | Literature review | Summary ]

D Griesbach and A Taylor (2009) Educational interventions to prevent hepatitis C:  A review of the literature and expert opinion, NHS Health Scotland, July 2009.
[ Full report ]

D Griesbach, P Russell, R Dolev & C Lardner (2008) The use and impact of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in Scotland: A literature review and evaluation, Scottish Government, May 2008.
[ Full report | Literature review ]

D Griesbach (2008) Analysis of the responses to the consultation document ‘Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland’, Scottish Government, May 2008.

D Griesbach (2007) An in-depth qualitative exploration of the links between self-harm and attempted suicide in young people, Scottish Government, September 2007.
[ Summary | Full report ]

D Griesbach (2007) Services for tobacco, alcohol and drug users in West Lothian. A needs assessment, West Lothian Drug Action Team, February 2007.
[ Full report | Summary ]

D Griesbach (2006) Hepatitis C proposed action plan in Scotland: Analysis of consultation responses, Scottish Executive, October 2006.

Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland. Phase I: September 2006 – August 2008. Scottish Executive, September 2006. (Action Plan drafted and edited by Dawn Griesbach).

D Griesbach, D Abdulrahim, D Gordon & K Dowell (2006) Needle exchange provision in Scotland: A report of the National Needle Exchange Survey. Scottish Executive, July 2006.
[ Full report | Summary ]

D Griesbach, V Hopkins, P Russell & C Rich (2004) Needs assessment: A practical guide to assessing local needs for services for drug users. Scottish Executive Effective Interventions Unit, January 2004.

D Griesbach (2004) Residential detoxification and rehabilitation services for drug users: a review. Scottish Executive Effective Interventions Unit, November 2004.

D Griesbach, A Amos & C Currie (2003) Adolescent smoking and family structure in Europe, Social Science and Medicine, 56(1): 41-52. A copy of the report in PDF format is available from D. Griesbach upon request.

D Griesbach, J Inchley & C Currie (2002) More than words? The status and impact of smoking policies in Scottish schools, Health Promotion International, 17(1): 31-41.

D Griesbach, C Round, K Paton, I Grant, R Elder & L Graham (2002) The co-occurrence of mental health and substance use problems in Scotland: National data sources. Report to the Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse working group on the Multi-Mental Health Problems of Drug and Alcohol Users, November 2002.

Health Behaviours of Scottish Schoolchildren: Report 7, Control of Adolescent Smoking in Scotland, University of Edinburgh, March 2001 (with Candace Currie). See also Fact Sheets 1-6 from the International Control of Adolescent Smoking study.

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